TermoKaust stove
TermoKaust – innovative heating system!
Heat-storing chamotte stove TermoKaust® is an environment-friendly heating device using solid fuel. Its construction is based on a rich stove-fitting tradition of Poland. Construction of device APSz12w is based on modular assembly of relevant elements into a fire-resistant stove body. This is defined by three distinctive features in a single device
First – the device is a stove because as a result of internal combustion of wood, the produced heat energy directly heats up the furnace walls and is transferred outside. Emission of such heat, for years has been considered the healthiest, hypo-allergenic and natural method of heating.
Second – the device is a chamotte furnace. The fuel is combusted directly in the device interior. The system of chamber modules and their fitting provides the architecture of the stove interior and a decorative part visible through the glass.
Third – the device is a storage mass. Non-refractory ceramics used for the construction of this device is a fire-resistant material, commonly used for storage and buffering of heat energy with an unladen weight of 2.1t/m3. Within the stove as much as about 40kWh of heat energy can be stored so an average temperature outside the device does not exceed 80°C.
The device is an interior for a tile stove which means innovation on the fireplace and stove market. Weight of all elements is nearly 1000kg. The idea behind the construction was that: for each kg of wood provide about 100kg of the stove mass in a 2.5h combustion and min.12h heating cycle.
TermoKaust® as an environment-friendly room heater, through testing in the Boiler and Heating Device Research Laboratory in Łódź has received Certificate of Conformity and CE mark for conformity with PN-EN 15250:2009 and with DIN Plus with a result of nearly three time lower a contents of carbon oxide than allowed by the standard. It meets requirements for emission reduction BImSchV. It is patented in the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland....more at www.termokaust.pl