
1. Differences between fireplace and stove tiles?

Fireplace and stove tiles shown no differences in terms of method of use and heating function. Tile ceramics can be used freely and interchangeably to construct stoves and fireplaces as well as kitchens. Main differences are in the appearance and the resulting heating device. Stove tiles of squared shape with rounded corners are in much frequent use in tile kitchens and for traditional tile stoves as walls in the region of Podlasie (Poland) than for fireplace coverings. Tile, deeply rooted in the Polish country, in simple solutions, more functional than decorative. Also they can be used to construct interesting stove coverings (photo). Basically fireplace tiles have more shapes for much sophisticated stove decorations (narrowings, crowns, cornices, etc.). In addition to the specific function of heating, they show very strong decorative values and are designed for composing of coverings for stoves and fireplaces. They have a face area larger than stove tiles. In the same format they can take variable styles of relief, or a smooth surface. Variety of shapes and possibility of combination, also glaze colouring, give unlimited possibilities of compositions.

2. Are tiles strong?

Fired ceramics is the oldest material humankind have processed. It is able to last for thousands of years as excavations show. Pottery shells, and even intact pottery, indicate our cultures and origin. Ceramic tiles are manufactured using the same method as centuries ago pottery was made. First tiles are nothing else than bowls crushed over the edges. Currently technology and knowledge about the production processes have changed. To answer this frequently asked question, for sure – yes, they are very strong as a material for construction of heating devices. In normal use conditions a tile is a material time or temperature cannot destroy.ę.

3. For how long do tiles store heat?

Stove and fireplace tiles have a large capability of storing heat energy. They are the right material, along with chamotte for construction and covering of stoves or fireplaces. When in operation they slow down and equalize heat coming out of the stove. They are the only supplement of heat-storing heating system based on storage mass.

4. What are transparent glazes?

  1. In the tile art two types of glazes over tile surface are used: opaque glazes and transparent glazes. The latter have a glass coating through which the face surface can be seen. They are glazes which emphasize appearance of a relief and create remarkable effects in cavities and peaks of a tile relief. Basically they are natural durable chiaroscuro, and this can be seen as bright and dark areas over the surface but always in a unique way.


5. Are transparent glazes more demanding in terms of maintenance?

  1. Maintenance of tiles is an easy operation not requiring any special means. Glossy surface of glazes requires use of soft cloths and skilful wiping only. Make sure not to use any scouring products which may scratch the glass surface.

6. Superiority of tile over other materials?

Use of tile ceramics is justifiable for many reasons. At this website we are able to present you all qualities by which tiles are characterised. Let us pick a feature which actually comes to the front: it is the cleanliness of raw-material used for its production. There are many methods for covering stoves and fireplaces. The name – tile stove – tells it all. Clay used in the production of tiles is a natural raw-material undergoing process of firing in a temperature of about 1000°C. In such temperature all organic compounds and water disappear. Fired clay is a clean and neutral material the method of use of which is predictable and therefore safe for user. Tiles are the only material used for stove cladding for which there are no doubts. Clay is a plastic material, and no other material can be formed so freely, taking various shapes. Also it is a material allowing for artistic expressions, e.g. as tiles. After firing it creates a technically perfect element for stove covering. It is hard to underestimate qualities of tile ceramics for many contractors and investors as this is the only method to construct one’s own stove.

7. What are the cracks on the tiles, is it a defect?

Hairline cracks on the tiles are a natural feature of tiles, and they are formed independently at once or after some time or are not present at all. They depend on thermal expansion of two materials – clay and glaze. Thermal expansion has its range which can be exceeded and as a result cracks appear. They give the tiles rustic features and even they are desired, e.g. during reconstruction works. On the market (on a surcharge) various glazes with drawings of larger or smaller and colourful cracks are offered. It is worth adding that cracks do not diminish properties or quality of a tile.

8. How to place an order?

  1. Orders are placed through form, in accordance with a list for stove or fireplace project provided.
  2. Form can be downloaded here.. or in Customer Service Office.

9. What to do if I ran out of tiles? Are the ones further ordered in a different shade?

  1. When ordering a set of tiles, in accordance with the project, we can include elements which are of special care and secure twice the required quantity. Quantitative order should be placed strictly according to project specification by a designer or a contractor. If tiles are further ordered after time, they can show slight differences in colour shade, however this is not applicable to glazes in basic colours and white, ecru and creme in particular.

10. What materials are recommended for construction of a stove or a fireplace?

Stoves and fireplaces are high-temperature devices, thus fire-resistant and refractory materials suitable for construction and covering of heating devices, should be used only. Moreover adequate distances from fireplace insert walls should be kept as specified by manufacturers. Natural materials that are used for construction of stoves and fireplaces are as follows: chamotte, cast iron, ceramic tiles. For insulation the following new materials are used: aluminosilicate plates, insulation chamotte, ceramic wool, vermiculite.